Sunday, May 24, 2015

Anti-Christian Violence In Palestine

by Bill White

As the Zionists in Palestine bombarded the Gaza Strip, another form of Zionist aggression drew less attention—the continuing Zionist war against both Palestinian Christians and Christianity itself.

On July 17, 2012, Zionist Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari publicly destroyed a copy of the New Testament. “This book and those who sent it belong in the garbage can of history,” Ben-Ari announced as he was photographed destroying the gospel of Christ.

The Bible Ben-Ari destroyed was one of 120 Bibles naively sent to Members of the Knesset by a Christian missionary group praying for their conversion. “This is a provocation by church missionaries,” Ben-Ari declared.

Few Christians would say that receiving a Jewish Torah in the mail was a “provocation”, but other Knesset members shared Ben-Ari’s concern. “It is forbidden to deliver missionary materials to the Knesset”, MK Tzipi Hotolevy of Likud announced in a statement. Hotolevy said that the distribution of such anti-Semitic hate literature as the New Testament would be investigated and prevented in the future.

A scandal in Palestine, the Washington Post gave the incident a paragraph, the L.A. Times several paragraphs, and all other U.S. media outlets hid the story from the American people. But anti-Christian religious violence is on the rise in Palestine. According to Ha’aretz, the Israeli equivalent of the New York Times, a gang of 100 followers of Chabad-Lubavitch Yitzchak Ginsburg, have been linked to 24 attacks on Christian monasteries and churches across Palestine since 2009, including three since March. On May 9, 2014, the Romanian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem was defaced with the words “Jesus Is Garbage” and other spray-painted slogans. On May 5, 2014 “Death to Arabs and Christians” was painted on the Catholic Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem. On March 31, 2014 the words “Jesus Is A Monkey, Mary Is A Cow” were painted on the Deir Rafat Catholic monastery near the city of Beit Shemesh.

While a cracked gravestone in a Jewish cemetery usually draws howls of international outrage, none of these attacks have received American news coverage.

Judaism is a religion of anti-Christian hatred. According to the Talmud, Christians are Edomites, children of the Biblical Esau, and Jesus was a sorcerer who is boiling in pots of feces in hell. [Babylonian Talmud Gittin 56b, 57a] Worse yet, those who question Zionist world supremacy are part of the ancient tribe of Amalek, whom YHWH has commanded Jews to murder.

Chabad-Lubavitch is one of the worst of the Jewish hate groups. It teaches that non-Jews are cattle who were given by YHWH to Noah to rule over as animals.

In the United States, though, knowledge of these Jewish teachings is largely suppressed in favor of a religion called Judaeo-Christianity. Though the Israelites of ancient times were hopelessly dispersed into the cities of the Medes and into Persia, and the few Israelites who returned to Palestine mixed with the Samaritans and Edomites until their bloodline disappeared, the myth that the Jews are the Israelites lives on. 

In fact, most Jews are Ashkenazim, sons of Togarmah and Gomer whom Ezekiel prophecied would seize Palestine just before the revival of true Israel.

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